Now with 50% more useless text Circulation: 184,867,938 Issue: 488 | 1st day of Eating, Y13
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We found the following 6 result(s) for the keyword chocolate_lover67

Week - 457

Of Skis, Snow Acaras, and Coconuts
by chocolate_lover67
Description: Leeroy sighed. Now that he was going to take a vacation, he'd have to find someone to look after his Coconut Shy for the week.

Week - 462

A Report on Hubrid Nox: Zafara style!
by chocolate_lover67
Description: Hubrid Nox is one of the evilest villains in Neopia.

Week - 478

by chocolate_lover67
Description: "Don't both of us have a similar goal? To get the painting worth millions currently on display at the Art Gallery, the portrait of Roberta, the niece of Hagan and Skarl?"

Week - 480

Of Speeches, Royal Acaras, and Notecards
by chocolate_lover67
Description: "Remember the Ski Lodge you stayed at? Well, we've decided to invite you as a guest speaker. You'll write a speech about your skiing experiences, and this will gather better publicity for the lodge."

Week - 481

From the Rose
by chocolate_lover67
Description: Ciona was well known as the partygoer of their team, having attended gatherings held by Neopians from every corner of the planet. Naturally, she would be present at Prytariel's Valentine’s Day bash.

Week - 488

A Letter of Complaint
by chocolate_lover67
Description: To the Managers of the Lutari Island Tourists' Association...

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