teh 1337est n00zpaper Circulation: 185,044,774 Issue: 492 | 29th day of Eating, Y13
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We found the following 7 result(s) for the keyword kingskid999

Week - 342

The 15 Things To Do When You Are Bored List
by kingskid999
Description: We have all felt that feeling before; that feeling of accomplishment. Once you have finally finished all of your Neopets goals, what are you going to do now?

Week - 424

New Priorities
by kingskid999
Description: The plushie Draik sighed grumpily, feeling very put-upon indeed. "No. I don't want any of those ugly things."

Week - 446

Mistakes, Regrets, and New Beginnings
by kingskid999
Description: "It's been a year, Monica. You may as well use it on me. I’m not going to poof faerie, you know."

Week - 486

Books and Expectations
by kingskid999
Description: "I don't wanna train, Momma," Illusen whimpered, clasping her tiny hands together.

Week - 489

Grey Heartbeat
by kingskid999
Description: I had been beautiful once, you see.

Week - 491

Lost Umbrella
by kingskid999
Description: It started on the day that my sister was pounded.

Week - 492

Fondant and Flippant Wishes
by kingskid999
Description: It takes him exactly thirty-three and a half steps to get downstairs to his kitchenette, where his coffeepot warms up within seven minutes.

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