The most fantastic thing in the universe! Circulation: 185,375,381 Issue: 495 | 20th day of Hunting, Y13
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We found the following 6 result(s) for the keyword htamale

Week - 376

Advanced Shapeshifter Guide
by htamale
Description: I'm here to try and help you get past some of those rather irritating later levels in Shapeshifter.

Week - 398

The Neopian Lottery – to Play Or Not to Play...
by htamale
Description: You win if you matched the most numbers that day. If nobody matches all 6, then we move to who matched 5.

Week - 404

Sewage Surfer Trophy Guide
by htamale
Description: The fact it's not super easy is why it's so satisfying when you solve the puzzle.

Week - 412

Gwyl's Great Escape Guide
by htamale
Description: As flash games go, Gywl's Great Escape is one of the hidden gems on Neopets. Rather than requiring the lightning reflexes needed for many other games, this is a game requiring precision, control and judgment.

Week - 413

Run! It's The Great Desert Race
by htamale
Description: The Great Desert Race looks at first glance to be a simple board game, but looks can be deceiving.

Week - 495

Extreme Gormball
by htamale
Description: Gormball is the oldest game in Neopia (ignoring those games consigned to the games graveyard) and as such a trophy in this venerable sport can be considered the granddaddy of all trophies.

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