Reporting live from Neopia Circulation: 185,375,381 Issue: 495 | 20th day of Hunting, Y13
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We found the following 5 result(s) for the keyword yoshifan272

Week - 491

Within the Games: Part One
by yoshifan272
Description: The Daily Dare may be over, but the REAL games have just begun...

Week - 492

Within the Games: Part Two
by yoshifan272
Description: "I'll never forgive myself!!!!! I'M THE WORST BLUMAROO ALIVE!!!!"” cried AAA.

Week - 493

Within the Games: Part Three
by yoshifan272
Description: "Do you want to come along? I mean, it is a fun place and you've never played a video game in your LIFE! Do you want to try and play one?"

Week - 494

Within the Games: Part Four
by yoshifan272
Description: "Oh, I'm so stupid! I knew that I shouldn't have dragged Margo here! I knew it!!! I'm a despicable being! Oh why, oh why did this happen? I'm a horrible friend!" cried Marine.

Week - 495

Within the Games: Part Five
by yoshifan272
Description: "Alright, well, you know what to do!" Marine and AAA hopped onto the platforms like they'd done it all their lives.

They disappeared into a flash of light...

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