The inside scoop on Jelly W-argh! *choke* Circulation: 185,375,383 Issue: 496 | 27th day of Hunting, Y13
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Hipster Buzz: Meerca Chase 2?

by 1_ricky_1

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The Doodle Season: Yooyuball
Stop the goalie abuse!

by desert_gp_dragon2oo5


Pun Intended
Welcome to the Unis Clothing Shop.

Idea by carrbot

by bananerr


Habitopia – 10 Ways to Improve Habitarium
Here's a list of some improvements to make the game more manageable and perhaps more fun.

by dawwetje


Star had been making the trek to Brightvale every day, sometimes waiting in line all day for her chance to impress the great king with her words of wisdom. The problem was...

by queenie18

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