The most fantastic thing in the universe! Circulation: 185,375,383 Issue: 496 | 27th day of Hunting, Y13
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The Silly Kougra Adventures

by tachiki

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The Misadventures of a Neopian Times Reporter III
"I want you to interview me."

by kristykimmy


Saly's Club: Teams
Kim will always pick the best team, no matter how cute their players are.

by djudju22_8


A Day in the Life of a Neopian Hospital Nurse
The Hospital is always open, but today my shift starts at 8 o'clock AM. I am lucky not to have had the late night shift for a few days...

by heat94on


The Prophecy Faeries 3: Linisa's Return - Part Twelve
Her charm began to glow, and she remembered the words that Hentoff had given her. You need not always be perfect. Trust in your friends to catch you when you fall.

by alex313

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