Enter the Snowflake's lair... Circulation: 185,422,742 Issue: 497 | 3rd day of Relaxing, Y13
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We found the following 5 result(s) for the keyword daisukefan

Week - 457

How to Become an Inventor 101
by daisukefan
Description: Another night spent awake trying to revolutionize Neopia, and another night with no success.

Week - 494

Anything You Can Do: Part One
by daisukefan
Description: She swore to herself she'd never come back here, but even the most successful of adventurers need to rejuvenate their funds every once in a while.

Week - 495

Anything You Can Do: Part Two
by daisukefan
Description: The morning sun brought a chilly wind with it, catching the fisherman off guard as they set sail for the usual fishing spots. Kanrik didn't mind...

Week - 496

Anything You Can Do: Part Three
by daisukefan
Description: "...Be on the lookout for Snow Beasts, alright?" Kanrik muttered quietly.

Week - 497

Anything You Can Do: Part Four
by daisukefan
Description: "...I don't suppose I'm really in a position to refuse, am I?"

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The Roomies Ruin: Part Four
Now Jhudora was missing—most likely kidnapped— and she could do absolutely nothing.

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Taelia's Pride: The Beginning - Part Two
"You're a load of trouble, and you have no right to ask so much of us without even helping!"

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Academese #6
Is Chip a scholar or a sophist?

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Anything You Can Do: Part Four
"...I don't suppose I'm really in a position to refuse, am I?"

by daisukefan


All Just a Little Bit of History Repeating: Part Two
"I'm looking for the Magical Research Department," Jennings supplied.

The Bruce looked at him critically. "You are, are you?"

by herdygerdy

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