Come dance with the Wanderers... Circulation: 185,576,530 Issue: 499 | 17th day of Relaxing, Y13
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We found the following 21 result(s) for the keyword ellbot1998

Week - 418

Top Ten Ways to Celebrate Neopets' Birthday
by ellbot1998
Description: You don't need a huge party to have fun on Neopets' birthday!

Week - 433

The Issue #336 Mystery
by ellbot1998
Description: He never points to the left... Or does he?

Week - 442

From a Rock to a Hard Place: Part One
by ellbot1998
Description: "Some higher force wants us to have this new, better place!" he always claimed. "Why should we try to escape it?"

Week - 443

From a Rock to a Hard Place: Part Two
by ellbot1998
Description: "Prisoners #3410 and #3411 to transmogrification unit B-64."

Week - 444

From a Rock to a Hard Place: Part Three
by ellbot1998
Description: "Each individual I heal always has the same tale of awakening, but never the same tale of escape."

Week - 445

From a Rock to a Hard Place: Part Four
by ellbot1998
Description: "Not now; we'd probably be caught. I think we'd better follow them."

Week - 446

From a Rock to a Hard Place: Part Five
by ellbot1998
Description: "Where do you think YOU'RE going?"

Week - 447

From a Rock to a Hard Place: Part Six
by ellbot1998
Description: As Axle punched a button on the last device, I heard a shout of, "Redd, is that you?"

Week - 448

From a Rock to a Hard Place: Part Seven
by ellbot1998
Description: 'So you finally caught on to me.'

Week - 467

Hot Herb Tea and a Happy Ending: Part One
by ellbot1998
Description: "And the next Xweetok to receive my magic will grow wings," she echoed.

Week - 468

Hot Herb Tea and a Happy Ending: Part Two
by ellbot1998
Description: "Doesn't it ever stop raining?" I inquired.

Week - 469

Hot Herb Tea and a Happy Ending: Part Three
by ellbot1998
Description: As soon as he prepared to strike, however, there was a sound like thunder and a flash...

Week - 470

Hot Herb Tea and a Happy Ending: Part Four
by ellbot1998
Description: "Rubia has been harboring a Xweetok ever since shortly after last meeting. She claims that it came to her door first."

Week - 471

Hot Herb Tea and a Happy Ending: Part Five
by ellbot1998
Description: "Poor thing, maybe we should go home. I've been so inconsiderate about your thick fur. It seems to get soggy fast."

Week - 472

Hot Herb Tea and a Happy Ending: Part Six
by ellbot1998
Description: "Rubia, another of my dreams came true."

Week - 473

Hot Herb Tea and a Happy Ending: Part Seven
by ellbot1998
Description: Rubia. I had to know if she'd take me in again or not. Tor told me she would, but he didn't know how cold she'd acted to me.

Week - 474

Hot Herb Tea and a Happy Ending: Part Eight
by ellbot1998
Description: It was impending destiny.

Week - 475

Hot Herb Tea and a Happy Ending: Part Nine
by ellbot1998
Description: "For the sake of my friends, I am fearless..." Torich read aloud as he scratched the inscription in.

Week - 497

Tyrants and Heroes: Part One
by ellbot1998
Description: None of this meant that all Xweetoks were bad.

I was a Xweetok.

Week - 498

Tyrants and Heroes: Part Two
by ellbot1998
Description: "We were about to go raid Chix's shuttle and rescue our lost ones," Bronco confessed. I did a mental face-palm.

Week - 499

Tyrants and Heroes: Part Three
by ellbot1998
Description: It never mattered to me whether I was a true hero or not.

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