Sanity is forbidden Circulation: 185,748,728 Issue: 500 | 24th day of Relaxing, Y13
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We found the following 11 result(s) for the keyword bugsypal9

Week - 394

Flying High: Part One
by bugsypal9
Description: "I wish we could all be Cloud-chasers too, just like in the book," she whispered, keeping her eyes fixed on the star.

Week - 395

Flying High: Part Two
by bugsypal9
Description: Now that Bugsypal9 and her pets were going on a voyage, there was ever so much to do to get ready.

Week - 396

Flying High: Part Three
by bugsypal9
Description: The Sweet Fyora reached the southern Meridellian coastline just as it had become too dark to carry on. The stars had appeared...

Week - 397

Flying High: Part Four
by bugsypal9
Description: A whole army of pirate neopets was attacking the Sweet Fyora! ZoshiDevil was on the ground taking on three giant Skeiths at once...

Week - 398

Flying High: Part Five
by bugsypal9
Description: All the faeries in the hall, including Fyora, instantly stopped what they were doing and turned their heads to look at the doors. There was another BANG and the doors opened...

Week - 399

Flying High: Part Six
by bugsypal9
Description: The entire crew were standing on the bow, holding their breath as the Sweet Fyora sailed closer and closer to Faerieland...

Week - 400

Flying High: Part Seven
by bugsypal9
Description: Another look of anger spread over Jhudora's face. "I don't need to cheat or use magic to defeat a puny human like you!" she snapped...

Week - 497

Sailing the Stars: Part One
by bugsypal9
Description: It was a light, starry summer evening in Neopia Central...

Week - 498

Sailing the Stars: Part Two
by bugsypal9
Description: "My powers of teleportation are limited only to Neopia. I cannot bring a full human being all the way here from Earth, even with all the magical power in the world."

Week - 499

Sailing the Stars: Part Three
by bugsypal9
Description: "Ok," said Bugsy to the others, "follow me, but carefully!" She leapt upwards and the rocket boosters on her jet pack started firing automatically...

Week - 500

Sailing the Stars: Part Four
by bugsypal9
Description: Meanwhile, on board Dr. Sloth's star-ship, a tall, blue Acara scanned the large star-littered blackness of space...

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