The inside scoop on Jelly W-argh! *choke* Circulation: 185,748,728 Issue: 500 | 24th day of Relaxing, Y13
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We found the following 2 result(s) for the keyword lostcontrol92

Week - 498

Petpet Appreciation – but which petpet is for you?
by lostcontrol92
Description: In celebration of Petpet Appreciation Day!

Week - 500

How Can We Customize a Swamp Gas Pet?
by lostcontrol92
Description: A quick and easy to read guide aiding the process of customizing the new Swamp Gas pets.

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The Waters of Home
Herrington had been so busy being congratulated by his family and laughing with his friends that it really hadn't sunk in that graduation meant leaving.

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A Lesson Well Learned: Part One
"We're all so downbeat and consumed with stress that we retreat into little fortresses built of books and they expect us to be the embodiment of a friendly, educational atmosphere."

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Pun Police!
Helping the world, one pun at a time!

by dragonstorm_75


Neopia, Year 200 Book II: Earthly Winds - Part Six
If the sky over Neopia Central had begun raining Kadoaties, Sunny Piers wouldn't have batted an eyelid.

by klaus239


Day of the 500
"It's going to be epic, sir!"

Also by master_blaster_aki

by tanikagillam

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