Enter the Snowflake's lair... Circulation: 185,748,728 Issue: 500 | 24th day of Relaxing, Y13
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We found the following 20 result(s) for the keyword sapphirekira

Week - 417

Changes and Friendship: Part One
by sapphirekira
Description: She was going to start at a new Neoschool, at the beginning of a new school year, and there was no telling what was in store for her.

Week - 418

Changes and Friendship: Part Two
by sapphirekira
Description: By now Sadie and Maylene had realised that they wouldn't be partners, and were talking about switching seats, but they couldn't. Miss Taily was already writing down everyone's names...

Week - 419

Changes and Friendship: Part Three
by sapphirekira
Description: The Aisha wrung her hands uncomfortably. "I've been in the pound four times, for five years in total," she said...

Week - 420

Changes and Friendship: Part Four
by sapphirekira
Description: Jenny pulled her chair over until it was right next to her Neopet, and fixed her with a stern look.

Week - 424

Beyond Games – Different Ways of Making Neopoints
by sapphirekira
Description: Whenever I see someone 'begging' for an item or neopoints on the Help Chat, the most common response is 'work for it'. Work? Games are meant to be fun, not work.

Week - 425

Magical Evil: Part One
by sapphirekira
Description: She had never left Brightvale Castle...

Week - 426

Magical Evil: Part Two
by sapphirekira
Description: In fact, there were no sorcerers or sorceresses in Brightvale, and hadn't been for over two centuries.

Week - 427

Magical Evil: Part Three
by sapphirekira
Description: "This must not happen to Rosalene," he said feverishly. "She must be kept safe. Have you announced her birth to the public yet?"

Week - 428

Magical Evil: Part Four
by sapphirekira
Description: Libby gasped. "You must mean Memphis! We have to go talk to him! Maybe... maybe he's part of Alarisca’s plan!"

Week - 429

Magical Evil: Part Five
by sapphirekira
Description: "None of you are allowed in there," one of the guards said – a ferocious-looking Gelert. He glared at them.

Week - 452

Life in a Snowy Shadow: Part One
by sapphirekira
Description: I am a Petpet -- to be exact, a Snowbunny. If you look at it from my point of view, that's probably the worst Petpet to be of all. Why? Well, I shall tell you.

Week - 453

Life in a Snowy Shadow: Part Two
by sapphirekira
Description: "Have you been to the Advent Calendar already?" she said excitedly. "I'm on my way there right now! What did they give out?"

Week - 454

Life in a Snowy Shadow: Part Three
by sapphirekira
Description: Marzely came right up to me and examined me with interest, leaving me speechless. Finally, he said, "You're a Snowbunny, eh?"

Week - 455

Life in a Snowy Shadow: Part Four
by sapphirekira
Description: I had no idea where Turmaculus lived, or how far from Nikki's Neohome it was.

Week - 456

Life in a Snowy Shadow: Part Five
by sapphirekira
Description: I knew that there were quite a few Petpet avatars, but it was strange knowing that there was one of my species.

Week - 457

Life in a Snowy Shadow: Part Six
by sapphirekira
Description: It seemed that I had fainted from fear just after the owner captured me, because the next thing I knew, I was in a cage in an unfamiliar place.

Week - 458

Life in a Snowy Shadow: Part Seven
by sapphirekira
Description: Bibble stared at me. "To the forest? Why would any Petpet in their right mind want to go there? It's filled with wild Lupes!"

Week - 475

Learning to Celebrate
by sapphirekira
Description: It wasn't particularly important — just another time of the year.

Week - 483

Robotic by the Lab Ray
by sapphirekira
Description: The mad scientist positioned his ray, and Kira closed her eyes.


Week - 500

How To Write
by sapphirekira
Description: Jenna grabbed the rolled-up copy of the Neopian Times that sat on her doorstep. The blue Kacheek's eyes widened as she opened it up...

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