Chet Flash wuz here Circulation: 185,748,728 Issue: 500 | 24th day of Relaxing, Y13
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We found the following 9 result(s) for the keyword trisshamster

Week - 247

Some Assembly Required
by trisshamster
Description: I had suggested reading, I had begged them to play board games quietly, but it was of no avail-the two insisted upon singing the "Rain, Rain, Go Away" song at the top of their lungs...

Week - 271

The Mystery of the Missing Cooking Pot: Part One
by trisshamster
Description: The sun was shining, the Weewoos were singing, and I had enjoyed six whole hours of peace while my pets were at Neoschool. However, my pets were just about home...

Week - 272

The Mystery of the Missing Cooking Pot: Part Two
by trisshamster
Description: The pets tore into the dugout, and everything was silent for about fifteen seconds. Then, we all heard a whooshing noise, and Hubrid Nox appeared in a cloud of fog that smelled like old socks simmered in peanut butter...

Week - 324

How to Deal with the Post-Christmas Blues
by trisshamster
Description: Ending the holiday season can be extremely traumatic for both Neopets and owners if you're not prepared...

Week - 438

An Interview with the Chocolate Factory Kiko
by trisshamster
Description: So, Bob, we'll start with an easy question: What is your favorite type of candy?

Week - 446

How to Get Vaporized by Dr. Sloth
by trisshamster
Description: 12. Send him a game challenge to play Splat-A-Sloth.

Week - 450

Writer's Block
by trisshamster
Description: A little voice in my head told me I was no good at writing and I should just give up. I hated this voice. I had named it Albert.

Week - 488

A Traveler's Guide to Lutari Island
by trisshamster
Description: My comprehensive guide to the many exciting features of Lutari Island.

Week - 500

Hannah, Garin, and the Terribly-Named Treasure: Part One
by trisshamster
Description: Hannah's jaw dropped. "I don't want your autograph! Do you seriously not know who I am?"

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Tyrants and Heroes: Part Four
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The Waters of Home
Herrington had been so busy being congratulated by his family and laughing with his friends that it really hadn't sunk in that graduation meant leaving.

by bittersweet52

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