The inside scoop on Jelly W-argh! *choke* Circulation: 185,826,977 Issue: 501 | 1st day of Swimming, Y13
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Kougra Stories

by tachiki

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Great stories!


Who Needs A Family?: Part Two
"Brace yourself. Things tend to get a little out of hand when Lex isn't around."

by miriel


The Way The Cookie Crumbles
I shall ask Kauvara...

by wokitana


Innocent Eyes
It was technically his first time ever actually staying in the pound. The grey Lupe had been traded from one owner to the next countless times throughout his life.

by allison_kitty11


Seeking Treasure Beyond The Cup: Part Six
"Aye, I guess bein' stuck in the tourney fer so long has made us forget where we came from."

by chimp_chicken_fish

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