Reporting live from Neopia Circulation: 186,039,651 Issue: 503 | 15th day of Swimming, Y13
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We found the following 5 result(s) for the keyword alien_1155

Week - 164

The Mini Adventures of Rocky the Rock
by alien_1155
Description: It has a mouth?

Week - 191

The Office Meepits
by alien_1155
Description: And it begins...

Week - 246

The Office Meepits
by alien_1155
Description: Because those judges must be at least slightly evil.

Week - 489

Magical Healing Slorgs
by alien_1155
Description: It was an epidemic. Within hours thousands and thousands of Neopets had come down with a mysterious disease.

Week - 503

The Attack of the Giant Space Fungus
by alien_1155
Description: He kind of wished he had stayed on Neopia. Nothing ever happened on Kreludor.

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Kadding Your Way to an Avatar!
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The King of Diamonds - A Letter: Part Three
"Eleanor, you have your task; Captain Trueheart and Princess Safara will return tomorrow morning, and we must have the fake diamonds ready by then."

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A Lesson Well Learned: Part Four
"Give it up, Ursula. It wasn't him. You did your best, though."

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A Game of Luck, Chance, and a Disembodied Hand
The petpets are not deposited in any pattern, any rhythm. Instead they are dropped in random directions that leave the gamer hoping they get a lucky break.

by huckaloogie1

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