There are ants in my Lucky Green Boots Circulation: 187,055,852 Issue: 514 | 30th day of Gathering, Y13
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We found the following 2 result(s) for the keyword sandrilene

Week - 469

Biography of a Villain: Balthazar
by sandrilene
Description: Faeries had not always been enemies of Balthazar, however; in fact, the Lupe once wanted nothing more than to be a Faerie.

Also by thropp

Week - 514

A Fabric In Time
by sandrilene
Description: Some things just don't make sense.

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The Thief of Time, Sirocco!
As Kreludor rose over Happy Valley, there seemed to be an eerie stillness in the air.

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The Trial of Her Mind: Part Two
"Hello, my dear," she said, her voice dripping with honey. Poison honey.

by sheik_30999


Never, ever taunt a Yooyuball team.

by coshi_dragonite


Anderis's Story: Return of a Friend
Anderis felt a surge of energy. He hadn't drawn or painted anything in a long time. He had created a few drawings...

by jackjack1234


The Mystery of the Brightvale Abduction: Part Two
"I can guarantee that I will find your brother, but I cannot guarantee that you will be happy with the results," I replied cryptically.

by patt788

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