Up-to-date coverage on faerie wars Circulation: 187,193,206 Issue: 516 | 14th day of Collecting, Y13
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We found the following 6 result(s) for the keyword blackaavar

Week - 277

Moofins and Meepits Unit!: Buzz Dreams
by blackaavar_reborn
Description: Get it away!

Week - 379

Neopian Daze: Meet Urroo
by blackaavar_reborn
Description: *noms your face*

Week - 382

Neopian Daze: Meet Urroo 2
by blackaavar_reborn
Description: All of your comic are belonging to us.

Week - 397

Neopian Daze: New Petpet
by blackaavar_reborn
Description: Yes, he's just that mean.

Week - 490

Lame Pun
by blackaavar
Description: DURR, IT'S A HORSE.

Week - 516

Lame Pun Presents: Holiday Happenstance (part 1)
by blackaavar
Description: Now With %50 More Coffee

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Misty- Strange Family
We still don't know who put the bacon in the hall.

by mist222


Dead End: Intro

by killable


19 Ways to Enjoy an Apple
Neopets tend to like sweet things, so how can you give it something sweet, but make it healthy at the same time? The answer is fruits.

by jamespongebob


Cloud Flute: Part One
"He was a Draik, though he was different from the ones we know now. To say he was huge would be an understatement. This beast was colossal, with a tail so thick it could uproot mountains and wings so massive they could blot out the sun."

by aquadaika


A Cautionary Grarrl Tale
How did you eat the WHOLE thing?

by frozenicicles

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