For an easier life Circulation: 187,881,946 Issue: 520 | 11th day of Storing, Y13
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We found the following 5 result(s) for the keyword aquadaika

Week - 516

Cloud Flute: Part One
by aquadaika
Description: "He was a Draik, though he was different from the ones we know now. To say he was huge would be an understatement. This beast was colossal, with a tail so thick it could uproot mountains and wings so massive they could blot out the sun."

Week - 517

Cloud Flute: Part Two
by aquadaika
Description: "Now, I want you to fetch me something. I hear you can get past any guard. Am I right?"

Week - 518

Cloud Flute: Part Three
by aquadaika
Description: Laerya's household had settled at the table to enjoy a wholesome breakfast, prepared by the 'chef' Elora. Unfortunately, plans for a tasty breakfast were now out of the question.

Week - 519

Cloud Flute: Part Four
by aquadaika
Description: By now the sun had almost disappeared and the sky was growing dark. Laerya grinned with triumph as she saw a huge field stretch before her – they had made it to the Endless Plains.

Week - 520

Cloud Flute: Part Five
by aquadaika
Description: The further they went, the darker it got, until eventually they were swallowed up by the darkness. Lae had good eyes, but they weren't sharp enough to see through the gloom.

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