White Weewoos don't exist. *shifty eyes* Circulation: 187,548,816 Issue: 521 | 18th day of Storing, Y13
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We found the following 23 result(s) for the keyword fuzzymonkey31

Week - 383

Black and White. Special Guest: Pink!!
by fuzzymonkey31
Description: Really, this is supposed to not have colour, but...

Week - 397

Black and White: S-word
by fuzzymonkey31
Description: The word that makes a Marshmallow Grundo's blood run cold...

Week - 415

Black and White: The Pant Devil
by fuzzymonkey31
Description: Hey, he has to eat!

Week - 417

Black and White
by fuzzymonkey31
Description: So, you may be able to beat the Pant Devil in the Battledome... but Meka can one up you there.

Week - 467

Dead Flowers
by fuzzymonkey31
Description: It lay in a mass of tangled vines, broken stones and dark, barren dirt.

Week - 472

Academics and Dust
by fuzzymonkey31
Description: The library had been arranged according to the Dewey Decimal System, but no longer adhered to those rules and regulations...

Week - 473

I'll be Home for Christmas: Part One
by fuzzymonkey31
Description: Every flake is unique, they say; completely different from every single snowflake that ever was or ever would be. But right now they all looked very much the same: angry, cold and threatening.

Week - 474

I'll be Home for Christmas: Part Two
by fuzzymonkey31
Description: Standing at the base of Terror Mountain and looking up is a daunting sight that can take the wind right out of you and replace your stomach with butterflies. It's even worse when the weather is terrible.

Week - 475

I'll be Home for Christmas: Part Three
by fuzzymonkey31
Description: Jhin woke up with a start. Her nightmares were getting worse and worse.

Week - 477

Never Send a Mystery Capsule to Dr. Sloth: Part One
by fuzzymonkey31
Description: I actually spend very little time in Sloth's presence myself during each day, but yesterday was different.

Week - 478

Never Send a Mystery Capsule to Dr. Sloth: Part Two
by fuzzymonkey31
Description: "S-s-s-s..." she said, staring past me up to the super-villain. "Sloth!" she finally managed, eyes like saucers.

Week - 483

Oh No, Not Again...: Part One
by fuzzymonkey31
Description: Quitting your job without any idea where you're going to work afterward is really stupid.

Week - 484

Oh No, Not Again...: Part Two
by fuzzymonkey31
Description: If you're the type of creature that trusts evil overlords when they say nothing is going to go wrong, you won't be long for this world.

Week - 485

Oh No, Not Again...: Part Three
by fuzzymonkey31
Description: When I arrived there was the general feel of something having gone wrong.

Week - 486

Oh No, Not Again...: Part Four
by fuzzymonkey31
Description: The dark green, lightly spiked leaves of the mutated chokato tree hid me from general sight as I cried silently.

Week - 487

Black and White: Psychiatric Troubles
by fuzzymonkey31
Description: Let's hope he's got a PhD in exiting the digestive system.

Week - 493

The 404: Part One
by fuzzymonkey31
Description: A few of my friends and I had made up a band, called 'The 404', because then we wouldn't have to print our own shirts. We thought ourselves pretty clever...

Week - 494

The 404: Part Two
by fuzzymonkey31
Description: I slouched angrily into Ms. Vladderly's Pretty Decent Living Allotments (because "apartment building" had recently been deemed "too common" by the proprietor herself) and stopped at the front desk.

Week - 495

The 404: Part Three
by fuzzymonkey31
Description: "But why?!" Uuvie moaned, sounding for the world like a child who just found out her mum is making eggplant casserole, rather than getting take-out.

Week - 496

The 404: Part Four
by fuzzymonkey31
Description: The others begged me (despite the consensus originally being that it was rude) to not tell Sloth when the concert was, but I refused.

Week - 497

The 404: Part Five
by fuzzymonkey31
Description: I peered out quickly into the audience. Sloth had moved, thank Fyora—well, not that she helped, but you know what I mean...

Week - 520

Big Big and Little Big: Part One
by fuzzymonkey31
Description: Ms. Lumberdut swept into Neovia on a chill Sunday evening. She was an austere, frightening Skeith who had worked herself down to a most impressively slim figure. She had her hair wrestled back into a severe schoolmarm's bun, for that's what she was...

Week - 521

Big Big and Little Big: Part Two
by fuzzymonkey31
Description: "I told you to come on!" repeated Bigsby, getting a bit annoyed. "Bart! You're being so apathetic! You should take hold of your life and do something with it!"

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