For an easier life Circulation: 187,548,816 Issue: 521 | 18th day of Storing, Y13
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We found the following 2 result(s) for the keyword izzywizard

Week - 519

Sketch Borovan- Snowager Search
by izzywizard
Description: We have to be very quiet...

Week - 521

Sketch Borovan- Overdue
by izzywizard
Description: Let's go to the Faerieland Library!

Also by tmarks

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What's in a Name?: Part Two
Edna threw open the door to her tower with some force, and the smell of a foul potion greeted Cara as they entered...

by herdygerdy


Living so close to the Ice Caves causes many headaches.

by 8bitwonder


Generic Birthday Present Ideas
Are you one of those people who forgets about birthdays until the day before? If so, what do you do for buying that person a present?

Idea by chocolatekittens

by mucka33


That's Life--Happy Birthday Neopets!
We'll clean it up...

by angel_star7


The Witch and the Mortog: Part Four
"What—what is happening?" she gasped. 

"You are beautiful now," the mirror answered.

by secant

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