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We found the following 20 result(s) for the keyword sheik_30999

Week - 479

Salmon and Tennis
by sheik_30999
Description: It started around two years ago. My friend Sam, who was a Fire Kacheek, had invited me to his Neohome for the day.

Week - 480

Cashmere, Meepits, and Evil Scientists, Oh My!
by sheik_30999
Description: See, not all Meepits are bad. Just most. *cowers in fear from random Meepits staring* Um, I mean, gotta love 'em.

Week - 481

The Valentine
by sheik_30999
Description: That's why you should always check to make sure the address is right.

Week - 484

Jhudora's Journal: Part One
by sheik_30999
Description: Instead of a warm gust of wind that I had tried to summon, a large blue orb shot from my hands...

...and through Jhudora's house.

Week - 485

Jhudora's Journal: Part Two
by sheik_30999
Description: She pulled out her wand and waved it over the lock. It turned to ash, to my absolute horror. If Jhudora caught me spying on her, I could share the lock's fate...

Week - 486

Jhudora's Journal: Part Three
by sheik_30999
Description: The dark faerie shut the secret entrance as we tumbled out. She smiled at me. "That was a close one..."

Week - 487

Jhudora's Journal: Part Four
by sheik_30999
Description: Aha! The latch came up and the drawer slid out, revealing a dark purple book. I took a look at the cover, entitled Jhudora's Journal – Don’t Touch This.

Week - 488

Jhudora's Journal: Part Five
by sheik_30999
Description: "Terri?" I called, taking a step toward her. The next sound was my shrill scream as someone slapped her hand over my mouth and aimed a spell at me.

Week - 489

Jhudora's Journal: Part Six
by sheik_30999
Description: I woke up in a fluffy bed, so different than the hard earth I'd fallen on. Fyora stood by it, grimness on her face.

Week - 493

Save It! The Neopians Guide To Keeping Those Points
by sheik_30999
Description: Have you ever gone to a shop and splurged on useless items? Is it hard to keep your bank account NP over a thousand?

Week - 500

The Cursed Coffee of Qasala
by sheik_30999
Description: The two were nearly inseparable, living on the same street and visiting each other quite often to go on... well, Gracie called them 'adventures', and Lucas called them 'things I should have never agreed to do'.

Week - 513

The Trial of Her Mind: Part One
by sheik_30999
Description: "What was your nightmare about?"

I shrugged. "The Darkest Faerie. Creepy, huh?"

Week - 514

The Trial of Her Mind: Part Two
by sheik_30999
Description: "Hello, my dear," she said, her voice dripping with honey. Poison honey.

Week - 515

The Trial of Her Mind: Part Three
by sheik_30999
Description: "What do you guys want to work on? We haven't done basic battle skills yet. I'm sure I could teach you a little bit..."

Week - 516

The Trial of Her Mind: Part Four
by sheik_30999
Description: What happens if – WHEN – I don't escape? I'll probably be eaten by some shadow wraith or something. Now what am I supposed to do?

Week - 517

The Trial of Her Mind: Part Five
by sheik_30999
Description: "Invisibility. We can escape this way without that thing knowing..."

Week - 518

The Trial of Her Mind: Part Six
by sheik_30999
Description: "I don't know where they are," I admitted. "But I do know what's happening. The Darkest Faerie is taking over, that's what..."

Week - 519

The Trial of Her Mind: Part Seven
by sheik_30999
Description: The Darkest Faerie laughed deviously. "It won't help you then!" she cackled.

Week - 520

The Trial of Her Mind: Part Eight
by sheik_30999
Description: "Not to mention the fact that now we can't fight! We might as well just lock ourselves back in the cage!"

Week - 521

The Divergence of Krawk Island
by sheik_30999
Description: Gracie nearly fainted in surprise. On the water's edge was a pinkish, slimy and dotted... well, they weren't sure what it was. But as they drew closer, they could see that the dots were suction cups, and it was HUGE.

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