Invisible Paint Brushes rock Circulation: 187,548,815 Issue: 522 | 23rd day of Storing, Y13
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We found the following 27 result(s) for the keyword chestnuttiger787

Week - 474

Which Limited Edition Pet Are You?
by chestnuttiger787
Description: A quiz to see which one of those elusive limited edition pets you are.

Week - 477

Mixa and Tixa
by chestnuttiger787
Description: Mixa and Tixa have never gotten along, and in fact, they are almost always fighting, but things can change....

Week - 480

Making Your Story Fly
by chestnuttiger787
Description: How are you supposed to write a good story if you don't care what happens to your characters and you don't like the plot?

Week - 481

A Sibling Story
by chestnuttiger787
Description: New siblings come with new challenges.

Week - 482

Tama's Tale
by chestnuttiger787
Description: It was a beautiful day, and the sun was shining down on the Habitarium. It wasn't an ordinary group of pests by the nests, however. It was an invasion from another Habitarium.

Week - 483

Zapping For Good
by chestnuttiger787
Description: The quickest way to help the pets of the pound one pet at a time!

Week - 484

Secret of the North Beach
by chestnuttiger787
Description: The north beach had always seemed a bit spooky, especially that little cave. . .

Week - 485

The Quill of Gold
by chestnuttiger787
Description: Have you ever wondered how the golden quill trophies came to be? Here's the story.

Week - 486

The Different Ones
by chestnuttiger787
Description: While the other Unis sat around grooming all day, Hlaoa had a different idea of how to have fun.

Week - 488

Shoyru Feast Foods
by chestnuttiger787
Description: Do you want to see your Shoyru's face light up in surprise and delight when they see their meal? Here's your guide!

Week - 490

The Memoirs of Maeika
by chestnuttiger787
Description: I thought my life would end with Tae by my side, but then again, I thought it began that way, too.

Week - 491

by chestnuttiger787
Description: Users nowadays put too much value on special paint brush colors and rare species.

Week - 492

12 Tips for Neopets Boredom
by chestnuttiger787
Description: We've all been bored at one point, but if you read this guide, then you'll have twelve ways to cure it!

Week - 498

Blocked Writing
by chestnuttiger787
Description: Are you finding that you cannot write anything? Do you feel like your writing days are over? Here's your guide.

Week - 497

Fyora Day Interviews
by chestnuttiger787
Description: Three faeries, three different opinions!

Week - 499

The Tale of the Fountain
by chestnuttiger787
Description: Read on to hear a tale of magic from long ago. Here it is, just as he said it, save the interruptions from other gypsies...

Week - 500

Stellania's Story
by chestnuttiger787
Description: Amiaxa's tale has been heard by Neopia, but now it is time for the tale of Stellania...

Week - 504

How To Spend and Save Your Fortune
by chestnuttiger787
Description: Prioritize.

Week - 507

Thyla's Tale: Part One
by chestnuttiger787
Description: It started out with a simple dream, and that dream would last through thick and thin.

Week - 508

Thyla's Tale: Part Two
by chestnuttiger787
Description: "Oh, sweetie, I know," said the girl. "That's hard. But I can only adopt one, and... and let's face it. You probably won't get adopted together anyway."

Week - 509

Thyla's Tale: Part Three
by chestnuttiger787
Description: "It's—it's you," I murmured. "Arula. What—why—what are you doing here?"

She just smiled.

Week - 510

Thyla's Tale: Part Four
by chestnuttiger787
Description: I whipped around. I'd been expecting the pink Uni, but no, it was a dark faerie.

Week - 511

Thyla's Tale: Part Five
by chestnuttiger787
Description: "No way am I painting you Christmas. I may be nice for a dark faerie, but that's too nice of a color."

Week - 512

Thyla's Tale: Part Six
by chestnuttiger787
Description: A large red flame was dancing in my paw. I gasped.

Week - 513

The Move
by chestnuttiger787
Description: Acaberry had a hard time adjusting to change when we moved to Mystery Island.

Week - 521

A Neositting Adventure
by chestnuttiger787
Description: I had babysat them a couple of times and I really liked them. Their owner, an energetic girl named Tami, was a pretty good friend of mine. We grabbed Borovan together once a week or so.

Week - 522

Taking Care of your Chocolate Pet
by chestnuttiger787
Description: What with the dangers of melting, the difficulties of grooming, and the fear of being eaten, you really have a lot to think about when you have a chocolate pet.

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