Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 187,548,815 Issue: 522 | 23rd day of Storing, Y13
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We found the following 4 result(s) for the keyword fireairshadow

Week - 491

Size Difference
by futuremrsharrypotter
Description: That might explain it.

Idea by fireairshadow

Week - 513

A Pet for Every Board
by fireairshadow
Description: Have you ever wondered, if each Neoboard were asked to pick a pet to represent itself, which pets they would pick?

Week - 520

Top 10 Best Bargains for the Gifting Season
by fireairshadow
Description: Hold onto more of your hard-earned neopoints but still surprise your friend with that perfect gift.

Also by lute248

Week - 522

10 Top Last Minute Bargains for the Gifting Season
by fireairshadow
Description: You've still got 10 gifts to buy! Happily, we have done our research, and we'd like to come to your aid with the 10 Best Bargains (Under 1 million Neopoints!) for your last minute shopping.

Also by lute248

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The Doctor's Tale: Part One
"I see you recognize me," he says. "Most do, unfortunately. There was a time when I was known for my kindness, but alas, that time is no more."

by madidogs88


The Top NP Wearables
What NP wearables do you really need?

by mondaybear21


Side Effects
Nothing looks different...

by killable


Dealing with Petpets
Some neopets tend to act different when you change language. It probably works when you want to give them a petpet.

by baltoy


An Interview With Marina, The Healing Springs Faerie
A closer look into the life of The Healing Springs faerie, one of Neopia's lesser-known everyday heroes!

by cookiez101

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