The inside scoop on Jelly W-argh! *choke* Circulation: 187,903,463 Issue: 527 | 6th day of Sleeping, Y14
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We found the following 8 result(s) for the keyword rock_star_megs

Week - 283

by rock_star_megs
Description: Why Illusen is better than Jhudora.

Week - 422

Bruces Rule!
by rock_star_megs
Description: Reasons why Bruces rule in celebration of Bruce Day

Week - 426

The Sloth Conspiracy
by rock_star_megs
Description: In honour of Sloth Appreciation Day, a few conspiracies that Sloth may or may not be responsible for.

Week - 429

by rock_star_megs
Description: In celebration of Jhudora's Day, 11 reasons why Jhudora is better than Illusen.

Week - 518

Halloween Costume Ideas
by rock_star_megs
Description: Halloween costume ideas for one and all!

Week - 523

Brucey Wearables for Bruce Day
by rock_star_megs
Description: To celebrate Bruce Day, treat your Bruce to some snazzy clothes made exclusively for Bruces.

Week - 526

Super Affordable Festive Holiday Clothes
by rock_star_megs
Description: A list of super affordable festive, holiday-ish Christmas items for your last minute outfitting needs.

Week - 527

And The Next Game Avatar Is...
by rock_star_megs
Description: A look at 15 games that should have avatars.

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"Wouldn't you just love to have beautiful faerie wings so gorgeous that everyone would stop to admire them?" sighed Sparkle longingly.

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The Truth About the Snowager's "Hibernation" 2
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