Stand behind yer sheriff Circulation: 188,352,100 Issue: 533 | 17th day of Awakening, Y14
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We found the following 5 result(s) for the keyword klarasaar

Week - 502

The "Classic" Parade
by klarasaar
Description: The Classic Neohome Parade, like any other parade, consists of audience, "floats" and lots of fun.

Week - 530

Grundo on Ice: Part One
by klarasaar
Description: "Oohh, there might be lots of Christmas stuff," Fallicina thought and moved the red box. Her face turned full of joy, because she had found something much better than she had expected. In the middle of snowglobes, ornaments and Christmas plushies, she saw...

Week - 531

Grundo on Ice: Part Two
by klarasaar
Description: "Remember the back corner of our neogarden which is empty and where you thought of building a shed next summer? We should put an ice rink there instead!"

Week - 532

Grundo on Ice: Part Three
by klarasaar
Description: Fallicina couldn't fall asleep anymore. She was too excited about traveling to Happy Valley on her own. And she was even more excited to compete at the Neopia's most famous figure skating competition.

Week - 533

Grundo on Ice: Part Four
by klarasaar
Description: Fallicina couldn't see anything but white snow around her. She started digging...

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