Chet Flash wuz here Circulation: 188,352,100 Issue: 533 | 17th day of Awakening, Y14
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We found the following 3 result(s) for the keyword mr_holithon

Week - 509

5 Neopian Villains That Aren't Actually That Bad
by mr_holithon
Description: There are some in the Gallery that I personally think really shouldn't be there at all.

Week - 530

A Month in the Pound - A Neopet's Interview
by mr_holithon
Description: I decided I would take advantage of this unfortunate event and conduct an interview on her time in the Pound. And let me assure you, an interview with Dorothie isn't an easy process.

Week - 533

Did your Neopet NOT Receive a Valentine?
by mr_holithon
Description: Well, all four of my Neopets received no roses or chocolates from any secret admirers this year, and I must say they all had different reactions to what had occurred on that fateful Tuesday.

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Showdown at Brightness Reef: Part Three
He had been moved by the Lutaris' purpose for seeking the maractite: to armor a ship with the water-resistant mineral so it could penetrate the Lutari Island storm and bring news and relief to that beleaguered land...

Also by solsticesprite

by peirigill


The Healthy Chia
Fruit and Vegetable Chias play a large part in the lives of Neopians and Neopets.

by melovechias


Once a Scarab: Part Five
And all they had was this useless mirror. He muttered, "You'd think King Jazan could have given her some sort of magic weapon or something useful."

by saphira_27


Cool and Uncalculated
Featuring Zukazei and Khenity

by donte_10


Dice-A-Roo # 5 - Food!
You can win a lot of food playing Dice-A-Roo!

by toffeedatepudding

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