Caution: Quills may be sharp Circulation: 188,472,088 Issue: 535 | 9th day of Running, Y14
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We found the following 5 result(s) for the keyword auraichadora

Week - 502

A Strong Spirit
by auraichadora
Description: Delma Harrence wasn't always like this, radiant and positive. It wasn't very long ago, before the Altador Cup began, that she was a Zafara down on her luck...

Week - 506

Top Ten Wearables For Babies
by auraichadora
Description: Many users have fallen in love with these adorable pets and now own at least one. However, for customisers such as myself, the challenge comes in dressing them up in the cutest fashions...

Week - 523

The Avinroos' Rooms
by auraichadora
Description: Lulu was just a little agitated. 

No, strike that. She was REALLY agitated.

Week - 524

Top Ten Wearables For Babies - Part Two
by auraichadora
Description: I'm creating a Part Two to my original list, with ten more wearables, both NP and NC, that work well with these adorable Babies.

Week - 535

Top Ten Wearables for Maraquans
by auraichadora
Description: Coming up with the most fitting outfit is a fun and frustrating challenge. However, there are a lot of perfectly themed items.

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Things you should know about Usuls.

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Abrasive. Articulate. Astute.
Ever wonder why Aristotle A. Avinroo claims to be the best gamer in all of Neopia?

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Clues in the Hidden Tower: Sparkles's Mystery - Part Eight
Now she could celebrate her birthday with the party she was waiting for.

Right after I expose the criminal, Sparkles decided...

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The Tale of the Tax Beast
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