Enter the Snowflake's lair... Circulation: 188,575,482 Issue: 536 | 16th day of Running, Y14
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We found the following 1 result(s) for the keyword aifricr

Week - 536

The Daily Dare Conspiracy
by aifricr
Description: One plucky journalist uncovers a conspiracy that will amaze you regarding AAA and our own beloved King Roo...

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Paranormal #1 Pt. 1
Fire phantom, huh?

by _pandan


Weather Forecast - Apples
An apple a day...

by hawkpaw098


TWCC: Transformation Part 2
Did you do something with your... everything?

Co-written by deblob5521

by pikemaster1


Welcome to Neopia
Maybe this was a mistake, I thought to myself. I was new to Neopia – only just finished filling in my account opening forms, in fact.

by aethelar


The Greatest Faerie Story Ever Told
"So have you decided where you want to go?" her father asked, munching on an apple.

by hockeygirl29

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