The most fantastic thing in the universe! Circulation: 188,575,482 Issue: 536 | 16th day of Running, Y14
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We found the following 71 result(s) for the keyword nut862

Week - 185

The Spending Spree
by nut862
Description: "Carl, this is the money we're going to buy food with," said the red Jetsam as he handed some coins to his brother. "Don't spend it!"

Week - 195

For The Life of a Pirate: Part One
by nut862
Description: Wouldn’t it be fun to sleep in a hammock instead of a boring, unmoving bed, with the salt spray in his face and the wind blowing across the deck?

Week - 196

For The Life of a Pirate: Part Two
by nut862
Description: Ron reached Krawk Island at last, dripping from his swim, but strangely exhilarated like never before. The dark didn’t bother him anymore. At last he could see the island he’d read so much about...

Week - 197

For The Life of a Pirate: Part Three
by nut862
Description: She tried to calm herself down, telling herself that there were a lot of orange Krawks and that most of them were probably pirates. But she couldn’t shake the feeling that she had a clue at last, after years of fruitless search...

Week - 198

For The Life of a Pirate: Part Four
by nut862
Description: “We have a treatment for stowaways, and that is that they must pay for their board by working around the ship.”

Week - 199

In The Spotlight
by nut862
Description: Even though I'm a Rainbow Quiggle, I still enjoy Jubjub Day. I also enjoy Yurble Day and Koi Day and Moehog Day, and pretty much every pet day, as well as the normal days in between...

Week - 202

The Wishing Jewel: Part One
by nut862
Description: Outside, faint rays of gentle morning sun warmed Mitara's face, and she smiled. The sounds of a busy day in Meridell reached her ears...

Week - 203

The Wishing Jewel: Part Two
by nut862
Description: "No way! Are you crazy, Mitara? We're not giving THIS away!" Julan said, turning the jewel around in her paws so that the light caught it from all angles...

Week - 204

Mastering Hasee Bounce
by nut862
Description: You’ve got a time limit! You didn’t think you could just keep those Hasees bouncing forever, did you?

Week - 206

The Faerie Pet: Part One
by nut862
Description: The morning was sweltering with heat as the sun beat down on Neopia Central. I was sitting in my pond in the garden, which was little more than a puddle of water that barely came up to my blue Flotsam tummy...

Week - 207

The Faerie Pet: Part Two
by nut862
Description: I swam up to the palace looming above me, and swam upwards, towards the nearest seaweed-covered window. I hesitated for just a moment, and then swam through the window. I was inside...

Week - 208

The Faerie Pet: Part Three
by nut862
Description: I had to tell her that she'd gotten her information wrong or something, because I was definitely not going to be saving a queen anytime soon. That was out of my line of work...

Week - 209

The Faerie Pet: Part Four
by nut862
Description: The blue Jetsam that had asked me to enter the palace to begin with was waiting outside. He swam up to me...

Week - 210

The Faerie Pet: Part Five
by nut862
Description: Tears began to well in my eyes. Quiggler... Lulu... Sparkler! My siblings, the ones I loved... and my Greeble, Prince... was I never to see any of them again? Was I doomed to live in the darkness forever?

Week - 211

The Faerie Pet: Part Six
by nut862
Description: In my surprise and awe at seeing Naiyania, I had almost forgotten about the power. Where had it come from? Or had it always been in me, and I'd just never known it was there?

Week - 206

Save the Slorgs!
by nut862
Description: "Oh, no," the Yurble said. "They're gone. I Slorgerised them."

Week - 209

The Happiest Quiggle
by nut862
Description: So that's what unhappy looks like...

Week - 210

An Interview With a Game Hero: a Certain Alien Aisha
by nut862
Description: There’s a certain new game called Magma Blaster that, while being a very fun game with good payout, leaves many things unanswered. I decided to see if I could find out some inside information straight from the game’s own hero, an Alien Aisha.

Week - 211

Cheeriness Planted
by nut862
Description: As I watched the bobber floating in the water, the metal fishhook hidden below the surface, I felt a bit of a thrill at the prospect of reeling in a sunken treasure. "Do you think we'll catch anything good today?"

Week - 213

Don't Eat Sloth's Fish!
by nut862
Description: Fish as food! The very idea! Could any pet enjoy eating something that is staring up at them with those huge, bulbous eyes that all the fish have?

Week - 214

The Happiest Quiggle
by nut862
Description: How can you tell?

Week - 214

A Day for a Ghost to Triumph
by nut862
Description: "Vampires and ghosts are too common," she mumbled to herself. A thought occurred to her, and she said aloud, "I know - I'll dress as a Light Faerie! No one does that around here!"

Week - 218

Sanity Obsolete
by evanescent_pudding
Description: Restock time!!

Art by nut862

Week - 219

The Happiest Quiggle
by nut862
Description: Me, disappointed?

Week - 220

Sanity Obsolete
by evanescent_pudding
Description: Do you know why no one does your quests?

Art by nut862

Week - 221

All Ears - Christmas Crossover!
by evanescent_pudding
Description: You silly child!

Art by nut862

Week - 222

Retired? Nah, Just Different!
by hello5346
Description: There's nothing to do...

Art by nut862

Week - 226

Pictures in the Clouds
by nut862
Description: Jhudora admired the sky from her seat on her cloud. "This is one day that I want those lazy pets to go cloud-watching," she said, the corners of her mouth turning up into a giddy smile...

Week - 227

Why Do We Need Valentines Gifts, Anyway?
by nut862
Description: "Yeah, I'd eat the chocolate long before I had a chance to give it to anyone," Hentor said...

Week - 230

Out of the Turmaculus' Jaws
by nut862
Description: I watched the pets going down the streets with wide, bright eyes. They were fascinating to me, and so many of them looked friendly and kind...

Week - 231

by nut862
Description: Kesshe trotted happily towards the school gates at a brisk pace, swinging her lunchbox with pent-up excited energy. She was eager to meet many new friends at school...

Week - 234

Cream Cookies
by nut862
Description: Somewhat alarmed, Illusen hurried out of the kitchen, carrying the tray of finished cream cookies. She tried not to drop it...

Week - 233

The Happiest Quiggle
by nut862
Description: I guess I must be sick...

Week - 235

The Sleeper
by nut862
Description: The Glowing Techo took a deep breath and threw her hand over the top of the cliff, taking hold of the hard dirt as soon as her palm touched it...

Week - 236

The Happiest Quiggle
by nut862
Description: Wow, all better!

Week - 240

Sanity Obsolete
by myfallenrevival4
Description: Nah, it couldn't be...

Art by nut862

Week - 242

Oh, Joy, I'm Unhappy
by nut862
Description: The strangest things cause pets to get unhappy: lack of food, for one.

Week - 244

Spring of Writing
by nut862
Description: Far away from the Neopian Times office, in the crowded Games Room, a Speckled Kiko was staring intently at a jumbled network of pipes connected to vats of Juppie Juice...

Week - 245

Something Has Happened
by tdyans
Description: You hear the cackling of a MAD PIRATE CAPTAIN.

Art by nut862

Week - 250

Unnatural Beauty
by nut862
Description: "I'm sorry, Prikkela," Ohndig said humbly. "I know you don't like me to be out this late. But you see, I absolutely had to..."

Week - 263

Bitten by Darkness
by nut862
Description: Terrified, Morr stared at the window, expecting the creature to come back. After some minutes sitting up and watching the curtains wave, he lay back in his bed, trembling, and tried to go back to sleep. But the light stopped him...

Week - 269

Lucky Cake
by nut862
Description: Tammy quickly looked up for some explanation of why a falling cake had just interrupted her relaxing morning. Then the cake erupted...

Week - 273

Charity is Like a Rotting Shoe
by nut862
Description: The Money Tree is a fountain of wealth and charity... but wait, those bags of Neopoints aren’t growing out of the tree! What fraud is this? And why do most of the wonderful gifts consist of rotting footwear?

Week - 276

The Happiest Quiggle
by nut862
Description: I'm also going to exercise more. My jaw muscles, that is.

Week - 278

The Happiest Quiggle
by nut862
Description: That about sums it up.

Week - 279

Broken Scarabs
by nut862
Description: Tomos squinted up into the white sun, willing it to stop shining for just an instant of relief. He could understand why thieves chose to work in the cool darkness of night. Why hadn't the princess ever tried a campaign to turn her entire population nocturnal?

Art by nut862

Week - 282

Double Crossed
by nut862
Description: "I have things I want to buy, too, you know. To do that I'll need money. And to get money..." A gleam came into his yellow eyes as he scanned the dark woods...

Also by dan4884

Art by nut862

Week - 284

Protectors: Shared Dreams
by nut862
Description: The Air Faerie cast a glance around her, at the towering mounds of clouds lit orange by the setting sun. She smiled at the peaks and valleys formed in the ground of the sky. If Altador was her city, these clouds were her kingdom.

Art by nut862

Week - 283

The Happiest Quiggle
by nut862
Description: I hear she's particularly good with flambé.

Week - 285

The Happiest Quiggle
by nut862
Description: So the new plot began with a bang, otherwise known as the exploding pie incident.

Week - 293

The Happiest Quiggle
by nut862
Description: Unfair advantage? No, no... it's clever strategy. Besides, lazy Jhudora's probably cheating too.

Week - 294

The Happiest Quiggle
by nut862
Description: The cupcake might be delicious with gray icing, but black is pushing it.

Week - 323

One Bite Won't Hurt
by nut862
Description: The red Aisha stood out like a sore thumb. She stood alone under a tree at the bottom of the rise, watching the Bruces soaring down the hill and laughing and pitching snow at each other...

Art by nut862

Week - 329

Crystal Clear
by nut862
Description: He'd take the crystal ball right from under Jhudora's crooked nose. Fyora's rewards would be well worth the effort...

Week - 336

Spelling Class
by nut862
Description: Furthest. What rhymed with furthest? Rose scribbled some possible words in the margin of her notebook. This was how she passed much of her time at school...

Week - 393

The Happiest Quiggle
by nut862
Description: I can't picture it either, but thinking about it makes me happy!

Week - 400

Defenders Good, Garoo Bad
by nut862
Description: Sparkler and I are on a mission. We were sent by the Defenders of Neopia to locate Commander Garoo and bring him to justice...

Week - 401

C.H.A.O.S. Altador Cup Special
by nut862
Description: I think the Techo Fanatic supports...

Script by precious_katuch14

Week - 407

Underdogs: Part One
by nut862
Description: "Nobody on our team even has legs."

Art by nut862

Week - 408

Underdogs: Part Two
by nut862
Description: "Nah, Poke, nobody went swimming," Colb said. "We all know there's a big scary captain who'll blow the whistle if anyone starts having fun."

Art by nut862

Week - 409

Underdogs: Part Three
by nut862
Description: A boulder flew past her face, shattering on the rocks below, and the Brown Peophin let out an involuntary whinny of fright...

Art by nut862

Week - 410

Underdogs: Part Four
by nut862
Description: He wiggled his paws experimentally, planted his feet on the ground, and tried to stand. He collapsed in a heap. "Never did understand the fuss about legs," he muttered...

Art by nut862

Week - 411

Underdogs: Part Five
by nut862
Description: Then again, this was a wild mountain Lupe; did he even know where Kiko Lake was? Had he ever met a Kiko?

Art by nut862

Week - 412

Underdogs: Part Six
by nut862
Description: The rescue workers kept moving, methodically working their way down the mountain. That Lupe had delayed them.

Art by nut862

Week - 430

Why Do We Need Valentines Cards, Anyway?
by nut862
Description: "I forgot about it too," Clyde said sourly. "But our teacher reminded us. Now we've all got to make valentines for everyone in class."

Art by nut862

Week - 437

The Happiest Quiggle
by nut862
Description: No, it's white. And about to start turning red.

Week - 448

Paper Route: Part One
by nut862
Description: He was in no hurry. This was the first stop on his route, and the only stop.

Art by nut862

Week - 449

Paper Route: Part Two
by nut862
Description: He'd show the Head Weewoo that he was serious about this job.

Art by nut862

Week - 450

Paper Route: Part Three
by nut862
Description: A piece of bread lay untouched on the plate in Mrs. Sammlung's kitchen, set aside for the messenger who hadn't come.

Art by nut862

Week - 488

And She Never Returned
by nut862
Description: Her memories of that island floated in and out, bound to appear and disappear like the silhouettes of the island's own palm trees in the mist, always coming and going and never floating within reach.

Art by nut862

Week - 536

The Happiest Quiggle
by nut862
Description: ...Or a charcoal overdose.

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