Enter the Snowflake's lair... Circulation: 188,960,697 Issue: 537 | 23rd day of Running, Y14
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We found the following 14 result(s) for the keyword macana

Week - 321

A Uni's Panpipes
by macana
Description: Hathim took the pipes and handed over this purse with all his savings. But he did not care about the money: he now had the pipes he had dreamed of...

Week - 334

The Quetzal Ring
by macana
Description: Amphos was proud to be the captain of the Siyana. She was one of those ships that ruled supreme over the others, despite her size...

Week - 336

The Darkest Side of Neoschool
by macana
Description: One of the pets, a rainbow Gelert, whipped her head around and glared at the Aisha as if she was a mutant. "What do you want, bookworm?" she snapped...

Week - 360

by macana
Description: He never sang now, instead choosing to remain as silent as the sand dunes.

Week - 366

Hear Us, Save Us
by macana
Description: There were always rumours flying around that ghosts haunted the depths of Meridell Castle.

Week - 385

What Was Written
by macana
Description: The dust stung Bledynn's eyes.

Week - 397

Close Up
by macana
Description: He smiled and closed his eyes, basking in the cold light of the moon. He never felt the long years he spent studying celestial movements were wasted.

Week - 437

Moustache Protection- Seven Things you Must Avoid
by macana
Description: For many pets it is a mere fantasy, but all long to achieve it. Dynasties have fallen due to the lack of one, and those who are blessed with it, flaunt it proudly to anybody they meet.

Week - 500

More than Words in the Water
by macana
Description: "This is for you, Mother," she whispered. Picking up a lantern from her pack and lighting it, the Ogrin went into the cave.

Week - 533

The Fate of Dust and Fire: Part One
by macana
Description: "What can I do for you?" she repeated, still patient as always. She could wait. The mad ones had the most to offer her.

Week - 534

The Fate of Dust and Fire: Part Two
by macana
Description: The guards on the walls of the city saw it first; a great mass of desert sand swirling in the sky and blocking out the bright white sun. It moved towards Qasala with the speed and rage of a waterfall, driven by the relentless burning wind.

Week - 535

The Fate of Dust and Fire: Part Three
by macana
Description: "Why do you think I am not like you? Why am I the only one in this city who is not afflicted with this curse?" he asked, wrapping his hands around his knees. Hathim looked down, staying silent for a long time. Jazan waited for an answer, any answer.

Week - 536

The Fate of Dust and Fire: Part Four
by macana
Description: Hathim ran across the crests of the towering desert landscape, his hooves creating a broken trail across the dunes.

Week - 537

The Fate of Dust and Fire: Part Five
by macana
Description: "I'm starting to suspect that Zafara lied to us about the whole thing, to get us out of the city..."

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