Up-to-date coverage on faerie wars Circulation: 195,095,912 Issue: 539 | 6th day of Eating, Y14
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We found the following 3 result(s) for the keyword sandrilene

Week - 469

Biography of a Villain: Balthazar
by sandrilene
Description: Faeries had not always been enemies of Balthazar, however; in fact, the Lupe once wanted nothing more than to be a Faerie.

Also by thropp

Week - 514

A Fabric In Time
by sandrilene
Description: Some things just don't make sense.

Week - 539

Biography of a Villain: Eliv Thade
by sandrilene
Description: "So spelling is not my strong suit, what does that matter?" Eliv responded haughtily.

Also by thropp

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Out of the Shadows: Part One
The class was in chaos.

First of all, the room was pitch black. Cobolt didn't know which idiot had managed to do that, but...

by rachelindea


Once a Scarab: Part Eleven
Amira said, "I want to go to the palace, and the throne room."

It was official – Nabile was the only sane royal person that he knew.

by saphira_27


Here, Kitty Kitty!
The day I...

by ghostie_of_the_fc


The Unfortunate Reality
Why does everyone want 'hand painted' neopets?

by 19december


Dressing for Neggs Hunt
Are you ready for this Festival of Neggs? If you're having troubles finding a proper outfit for your pet, read my notes!

by martia_elior

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