A Waffle Paradise Circulation: 188,827,426 Issue: 540 | 13th day of Eating, Y14
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We found the following 3 result(s) for the keyword mojoschweni

Week - 504

Paradise Island
by mojoschweni19
Description: "How did I get here?"

"No idea. I was just taking a quick swim, when I saw you lying here in the sand. Looks like you took a nasty hit on those rocks over there..."

Week - 526

Breakfast! Y13 Holiday Edition
by mojoschweni
Description: Why not start with a delicious breakfast inspired by the season?

Week - 540

A Grey Day for An Ordinary Shoe Salesman
by mojoschweni
Description: "What can I do to help you today?" I asked politely, my customary response to any new customer. She didn't respond, and only looked at me with grey eyes...

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A PrePAWSterous Grey Day
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Surfin' The Pound
They need homes too :c

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Muckla goes to school #4
Have to make bullies stop bullying you? Tell them about your eating habits.

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Out of the Shadows: Part Two
Without a moon there were plenty of shadows to hide in, but it was much easier in a large one.

"Did you really think I wouldn't find you?" said a lazy voice right next to his ear.

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World Challenging for Fun and Profit
Whether you are longing for competitive play, seeking to enhance your gaming experience, or just looking for an opportunity to increase your profit, the World Challenge (WC) may be for you.

by zabnor

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