Enter the Snowflake's lair... Circulation: 188,827,426 Issue: 540 | 13th day of Eating, Y14
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We found the following 3 result(s) for the keyword zirr

Week - 462

The HEROES of Meridell? OR NOT?!
by zirr
Description: PSELLIA, the mysterious air faerie and hero of Meridell, OR COLD-BLOODED WINDCHILL WOMAN, WHO BRINGS NOTHING BUT FROSTBITE?

Week - 477

Hubrid Nox: Evil Mastermind, OR A NEOPIAN TREASURE?!
by zirr
Description: I thought I'd go in a bit of a different direction this time: revealing the softer side of some of Neopia's supposed 'villains'.

Week - 540

The Villain Within
by zirr
Description: Once upon a time, while on his way to drop some transmogrification potions over Neopia as rewards to his followers and reminders to his enemies that he was still in charge, Dr. Sloth dropped a transmogrification potion on a young boy Kacheek...

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Doom and Misery
The awful, awful problems of life in Neopia...

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Money Trail 1/2
Oh Em Gee, I'm M.S.P~

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Things Best Remembered: Part Three
"You see," she continued, "The elements – earth, air, water, fire, darkness, and light – are forces of nature. This makes controlling them... difficult."

by chimie119


10 Ways to Turn a Bad Day into a Good One
So you're having a grey day, what now?

by pinkpaint


Blah Blah
You'd be disappointed too.

by highwind20

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