There are ants in my Lucky Green Boots Circulation: 188,827,426 Issue: 540 | 13th day of Eating, Y14
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by purrfect_cookie

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A Grey Day for An Ordinary Shoe Salesman
"What can I do to help you today?" I asked politely, my customary response to any new customer. She didn't respond, and only looked at me with grey eyes...

by mojoschweni


A Second Chance: Part Five
"I had a great desire for the sea, Yara," replied Jane quietly. "I wanted to live in the ocean, not along it. I ran away from home to visit Nereid, and she gave me..."

by rachelray179


Sanity LTD
Unimaginable horror awaits those who dare set foot upon Mystery Island's balmy shores.

by thunderlight314


The Villain Within
Once upon a time, while on his way to drop some transmogrification potions over Neopia as rewards to his followers and reminders to his enemies that he was still in charge, Dr. Sloth dropped a transmogrification potion on a young boy Kacheek...

by zirr

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