Stand behind yer sheriff Circulation: 188,752,736 Issue: 541 | 20th day of Eating, Y14
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We found the following 9 result(s) for the keyword sychologist

Week - 500

Choosing The Perfect Weewoo For Your Pet!
by sychologist
Description: Weewoos are by no doubt one of the most adorable and beloved petpets across Neopia. And who can blame us for loving them so much?

Week - 528

Elegant Elephante Wearables for Elephante Day!
by sychologist
Description: Elephante Day is once again upon us, Neopia!

Week - 531

How To Celebrate Jhudora Day the Jhudora Way!
by sychologist
Description: The best possible day planning tips to live your Jhudora Day to the fullest, in such a way that even Jhudora herself will gladly approve of!

Week - 533

Magnificent Mynci Wearables for Mynci Day!
by sychologist
Description: First of all, 'tis the season to say happy Mynci day to all Myncies and their owners!

Week - 534

A Look Back On Neopia's Most Famous Unis
by sychologist
Description: Uni Day is upon us once again, Neopia! Your Uni has probably been reminding you since January 1st, because we all know that Unis love the attention and gifts showered upon them on their special day.

Week - 536

Celebrating Illusen Day The Earth Faerie Way
by sychologist
Description: I am here to provide you with the best tips and tricks to celebrate Illusen Day in a very earth faerie fashion!

Week - 538

Neopia's April Fools Jokes Throughout the Years
by sychologist
Description: Let us look back on the past eleven years of hoaxes and pranks we've experienced together.

Week - 540

Top 10 Wearables for your Grey Pet: Neopoint Edition
by sychologist
Description: Dozens of ways to customize your grey!

Week - 541

Lovely Outfits for Lutari Day
by sychologist
Description: Never fear, Lutari owners and customizers, for there are a number of fashionable outfits that are Lutari specific and range across different styles for every Lutari personality type and color.

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The Painter: Part Two
Mostly, other than maids stopping to give her food, she was left alone, which suited her just fine. Every morning, she would wake up from her peach toned bed with white rustling silken sheets, and she would watch the sunrise. It would inspire her, and then, she would stray to the paints that lined her wall.

by rrooaarrrr


The Scarab and the Sea: Part Two
Jaryth hit his head against the table repeatedly. "He convinced the captain to leave without us? How in Nuria's name..."

by saphira_27


Seven Types Of Heroes In Neopia
From the beginning of time, heroes have always been saving the world with their good deeds both big and small. But the big question is: do we really know everything about them?

by cherishtwilight


Things Best Remembered: Part Four
Atlanta high-fived him, grinning. "That's the best idea you've had in a long time, Gareth," she said. He wasn't quite sure whether he was supposed to be offended at that.

by chimie119


What To Do With All Those Negg Stems?!
All the neggs are gone, but the stems remain...

by valikthebuilder

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