Where there's a Weewoo, there's a way Circulation: 188,752,736 Issue: 541 | 20th day of Eating, Y14
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The Goofers

by lintsuf

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The Fate of Dust and Fire: Part Nine
Jazan suddenly sat up and looked to the left of the pass. There, tucked away in the snow was a building, but it was unlike anything found in Qasala or Sakhmet...

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Interview With A Larnikin
A small table sits in the middle of the room: a table littered with papers, a tiny terrarium, pencils, more papers, an open book, and something that resembles a horn used as a primitive sound-amplifying device.

by shy_gurl1983


A Legend Begins Again: Part Four
He hated having to run off from Jacques like that, but what choice did he have? He had to keep his friends from harm somehow...

by medit92


Festival of Neggs 2012 - Meerca Love
Some Meercas have longer tails than others; discover why here!

by x_mystichorse_x

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