Sanity is forbidden Circulation: 191,440,698 Issue: 544 | 11th day of Hunting, Y14
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We found the following 2 result(s) for the keyword phyllismi

Week - 542

Misunderstanding of a Transparent Poogle
by phyllismi
Description: A transparent poogle mistakes Rutu for the Poogle of the same colour...

Week - 544

by phyllismi
Description: A pirate Lutari is a little bit disappointed because few people find the cool skull on his tail.

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Hiding the Clockwork Negg: Part Two
"I pride myself on keeping my word," Rutu replied stiffly. "I'm just surprised you seem to think you know us so well."

by seiya_from_ashes


An Interview with "Bart"
"Do you ever clean those things? A lot of Neopians feel like all they ever do is get sick when they bob for your apples."

by impellent


Things Best Remembered: Part Seven
Celia was the first to arrive. She gave Ria an annoying, self-satisfied smile which Ria tried to ignore and took her seat. It was a while before the other Council members arrived.

by chimie119


Grey Pets Have a Sense of Humour Too
What's wrong?

Also by deiimos

by ruben160


Edible Nonsense ~ Picking on the Weak
All that training effort....

by tic2tac

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