Caution: Quills may be sharp Circulation: 189,237,064 Issue: 547 | 1st day of Relaxing, Y14
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We found the following 16 result(s) for the keyword seiya_from_ashes

Week - 241

Spoonful of Morals
by seiya_from_ashes
Description: The evils of Tyrannian Quiggles...

Week - 347

Note to Self
by seiya_from_ashes
Description: While you're away, why don't your pets just eat out of the SDB?

Week - 352

Just Water
by seiya_from_ashes
Description: ... -_-

Week - 357

Pickled Theories
by seiya_from_ashes
Description: I'm NOT crying!

Week - 531

Sassi Comics: "Fired"
by seiya_from_ashes
Description: How was work?

Week - 534

Sassi Comics: Hired?
by seiya_from_ashes
Description: Part 1/2

Week - 535

Sassi Comics: Hired!
by seiya_from_ashes
Description: Part 2/2

Week - 536

Sassi Comics: Rent!
by seiya_from_ashes
Description: I'm still getting paid for this, right?

Week - 537

Sassi Comics: Treasure-Hunting
by seiya_from_ashes
Description: *SIGH*

Week - 540

Sassi Comics: Free Soup
by seiya_from_ashes
Description: I'm sorry, but I can't serve you.

Week - 541

Sassi Comics: The Wishing Well
by seiya_from_ashes
Description: *plink*

Week - 543

Hiding the Clockwork Negg: Part One
by seiya_from_ashes
Description: Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock. The intricate clockwork tick-tocked along. She didn't mind it.

Week - 544

Hiding the Clockwork Negg: Part Two
by seiya_from_ashes
Description: "I pride myself on keeping my word," Rutu replied stiffly. "I'm just surprised you seem to think you know us so well."

Week - 545

Hiding the Clockwork Negg: Part Three
by seiya_from_ashes
Description: "Listen, we should talk. We're the only ones without a negg, so..."

Week - 546

Sassi Comics: The Hunt Begins
by seiya_from_ashes
Description: Wow, you got a lotta stuff!

Week - 547

Sassi Comics: Mapping the Temple
by seiya_from_ashes
Description: Yes'm.

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