Now with 50% more useless text Circulation: 189,095,624 Issue: 548 | 8th day of Relaxing, Y14
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We found the following 2 result(s) for the keyword santa_paws_come_home

Week - 546

Paws: Plushies
by santa_paws_come_home
Description: The lives of all plushies, alive and lifeless, should be valued.

Week - 548

Paws: The Altador Cup
by santa_paws_come_home
Description: I meant with your hands.

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"Of course not." Akorri turned his head away. "Why would I worry about you of all people?"

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Altador Control Lost
What are you doing?! Get the ball!! Arhhgg...

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Whenever he would even think about taking the smallest bit of food, just enough to fill his tummy a bit, he would get something thrown at him, or he would be thrown out.

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Mirsha Grelinek: An Interview
The star captain of Team Shenkuu tells all about Altador Cup VII!

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Waking up the Turmaculus
Really, do you blame the Turmaculus? I certainly don't. I feel very sad for him.

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