A Waffle Paradise Circulation: 189,095,624 Issue: 548 | 8th day of Relaxing, Y14
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Seems Legit: Elon's Fangirls

by shamaela

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It's Kind Of A Smelly Story
Balluna the Mutant Blumaroo and How He Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Slorg

by flyingape


The Scarab and the Sea: Part Nine
Kipras blurted, "Behind the throne! Door! Caves – they lead to the sea! He's got his treasure down there, and a boat to escape in..."

by saphira_27


Top 10 Petpets That Don't Need Protecting
In honour of Petpet Appreciation Day, I'm going to tell you all about 10 petpets that don't need any help from the PPL when it comes to keeping themselves safe because they're strong and tough enough to fend for themselves.

by mercy_angel


Mirsha Grelinek: An Interview
The star captain of Team Shenkuu tells all about Altador Cup VII!

by dandelioncupcake

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