White Weewoos don't exist. *shifty eyes* Circulation: 189,095,624 Issue: 548 | 8th day of Relaxing, Y14
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by ghostkomorichu

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The Game of Master Hog: Part Two
Her night vision was failing. Every cautious step deeper into the labyrinthine network of tunnels only weakened her senses...

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Altador Control Lost
What are you doing?! Get the ball!! Arhhgg...

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Caylis's Necklace: Part Six
Reisna's maniacal laughter echoed from the throne room to the rooms nearby. It was clear to the palace guards that the Drenched had captured the king, but none of them dared try to stop them...

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King Sloth: A Day in My Life
My name is Sloth - Your Majesty Lord King Sloth, to be precise. I am going to give you readers the privilege of reading about a day in my life...

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