White Weewoos don't exist. *shifty eyes* Circulation: 189,155,419 Issue: 549 | 15th day of Relaxing, Y14
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Week - 549

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Description: ;A; Ish not faaaair

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Only Human: PartThree
She took another tentative step forward.

Why did her owner have to do stupid things like this?

by futurevetpet


;A; Ish not faaaair

by water_magix


Colours These Days
How to repel people, confuse the situation and ruin the new colours. Oh, and ruin a lawn.

by bramley_apple_pie


Different Neopets Dreams
There are loads of different, specific Neo-obsessions people have that translate into their everyday life, so much so that players often dream Neopets dreams...

by palidus_tomato


An Unlabelled Origin
Long term intelligence gain... short term memory loss.

by thegreenspark

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