Enter the Snowflake's lair... |
Circulation: 189,237,041 |
Issue: 550 | 22nd day of Relaxing, Y14 |
We found the following 7 result(s) for the keyword futurevetpet
Week - 526
A Tale of Two Fuzzles by futurevetpet | Description: They said he would steal your toys in the night to break them, or would sabotage Tarla's shop of mystery, replacing the most expensive items with broken junk, just to put more money in his pocket. It was said he was the reason there were rejected Faerie Queen Dolls. |
| Week - 531
Secrets of the Faeries: Jhudora by futurevetpet | Description: The grass crunched beneath Jhudora's feet as she began to walk through the forest behind her bluff. She had been coming here for a very long time... |
| Week - 532
The Valentine's Day Article by futurevetpet | Description: Today, the Neopian Times paper is decorated in hearts, love letters, and roses. Any self-respecting dark faerie would be hidden away in a deep dark hole, but here I am... |
| Week - 547
Only Human: Part One by futurevetpet | Description: Fyora lifted her head and locked eyes with her secretary. Her secretary had quite a lot of courage today. "Please, please, please see this girl. You've been putting off this meeting with her for nearly four years." |
| Week - 548
Only Human: Part Two by futurevetpet | Description: "I'll grant you your wish. I'll allow you to join me among the ranks of the dark faeries, and grant you immortality. But in exchange..." |
| Week - 549
Only Human: PartThree by futurevetpet | Description: She took another tentative step forward.
Why did her owner have to do stupid things like this? |
| Week - 550
Only Human: Part Four by futurevetpet | Description: The house was empty, save for the piles of money sitting around her. One and a half million neopoints... |
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