Now with 50% more useless text Circulation: 189,237,041 Issue: 550 | 22nd day of Relaxing, Y14
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NT Love

by proudpony

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Great stories!


Falling in Love
I once created a pet with the intention of trading her.

by teaspill


Baby Adventures: The Faerie Gazette
Treaphie sighed as she looked down at her breakfast plate - it was filled with fresh bunches of broccoli.

by cloudpuffpuff


Letter from Petpet Consultants, Inc.
Our firm followed last year's celebrations closely and we were, like many of your guests, disappointed by the low Weewoo turnout. Weewoos can be difficult to attract at the best of times...

Also by _razcalz_

by larkspurlane


6. Little Known Facts - Alien Aisha
I followed the Alien Aisha...

Art by vampirebunny18

by sarcasticdeath

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