Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 189,271,873 Issue: 551 | 29th day of Relaxing, Y14
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We found the following 4 result(s) for the keyword dr_tomoe

Week - 540

Five Worst Places For Grey Pets To Live In Neopia
by dr_tomoe
Description: There are several places in Neopia that just aren't good places for Grey pets to live. They're just too bright or cheerful for a grey pet to live in peace.

Week - 542

The Ten Best Prizes From the Mini Plastic Neggs
by dr_tomoe
Description: Nope. Not bitter at all... *shifty eyes*

Week - 547

Five Secrets You Didn't Know About Sabre-X
by dr_tomoe
Description: There is more to Sabre-X than meets the eye. It turns out that Tyrannia's resident Omelette Defender has some secrets that almost no one knows about.

Week - 551

Neopian Book Reviews: Book of Chemical Reactions
by dr_tomoe
Description: The Book of Chemical Reactions is described as a way to learn about harmless and not-so-harmless chemical reactions.

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The Employment Agency: Stats for BusinessPets
Every 10 minutes, new jobs are added for business-minded Neopets to complete. My Neopet Arlera loves completing jobs; she's completed over 800 now, and she's asked me to share a few tips...

by emeraldpaws


Altador Cup Craziness
Sometimes enthusiasm is disastrous.

by l_like_animals


Dinner with the Scarlets: Keep Out Island
You don’t need a Plot to have Plot Fever.

by june_scarlet


Pirates of Shenkuu: Part One
"Pirates are sailors. You can't be a sailor without the sea."

by cityface28761


Slushie Snacker
Ryioki, of course, participates in the Altador Cup, after a little snack.

by zemutt

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