Now with 50% more useless text Circulation: 189,520,066 Issue: 555 | 27th day of Swimming, Y14
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We found the following 11 result(s) for the keyword dragon_soul__

Week - 390

Faerie Quest
by dragon_soul__
Description: "Something has happened!"

"AARGH!" Ben yelled, thrashing about, getting tangled up in the duvet and falling out of bed.

Week - 420

The Morphing Potion
by dragon_soul__
Description: "...Ben?" Tatsu said carefully. Last time she saw him, Ben had still been a white Kougra. She hated it when he came back totally unrecognisable.

Week - 439

Werelupe Chronicles: The Search - Part One
by dragon_soul__
Description: "When you said you were going out to find your father," Marion said angrily, "I didn't know you meant Werelupe Forest."

Week - 440

Werelupe Chronicles: The Search - Part Two
by dragon_soul__
Description: They were in Werelupe Forest.

So why weren't there any Werelupes?

Week - 449

A Growing Family
by dragon_soul__
Description: "Wow, we need to throw a party!" Lola yelled, jumping up onto the other sofa.

Week - 550

A House Divided Cannot Stand: Part One
by dragon_soul__
Description: "I have the best family altogether," Moondatta said. "We're pretty cool, really."

"Yeah," Ben agreed. "We are pretty awesome, aren't we?"

Week - 551

A House Divided Cannot Stand: Part Two
by dragon_soul__
Description: "I've had enough," Dragon repeated coldly, folding her arms and glaring at them both. "I've warned you a thousand times. Maybe if you'd listened to me, this wouldn't be happening."

Week - 552

A House Divided Cannot Stand: Part Three
by dragon_soul__
Description: "Changed your mind?" Tenori asked, raising an eyebrow languidly.

"No," Dragon said and shook her head. "I just can't abandon her without her being with me."

Week - 553

A House Divided Cannot Stand: Part Four
by dragon_soul__
Description: She leant down to whisper in the Aisha's ear. "How long do we have until the others get here?"

"Quarter of an hour, if they're on time," Moondatta whispered back.

Week - 554

A House Divided Cannot Stand: Part Five
by dragon_soul__
Description: "Good morning, madam, and welcome to the National Neopian. How may I help you today?"

Week - 555

A House Divided Cannot Stand: Part Six
by dragon_soul__
Description: "Dragon's gone to Neopia Central," Moondatta blurted. "Since she can't abandon you, she wants to put Tatsu in the Pound instead!"

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