Enter the Snowflake's lair... Circulation: 189,582,355 Issue: 556 | 3rd day of Hiding, Y14
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We found the following 3 result(s) for the keyword encroached

Week - 489

I Scream, Adee Screams
by encroached
Description: Alright, Adee.

Week - 555

Hero of Shenkuu: Part One
by encroached
Description: Quite frankly, I don't trust anyone else with the power that I have.

Week - 556

Hero of Shenkuu: Part Two
by encroached
Description: Years and years passed. I spent the beginning of these years researching prophecies and records on Spotted Zafaras, and I sent out a group of trackers to find ones of proper age. None of the Zafaras they discovered were vicious enough to be the Chosen One from the prophecy...

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The Game of Master Hog: Part Ten
Jess stood and watched from the wharf, half-hoping one ship would suddenly unfurl the blackened sails of the infamous Revenge and put an end to her search...

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Neopiaprobs #1

by petpet_master_


The Worth of a Badly Named Basic Pet
It was a sunny day in Neopia Central and so, I decided I would try an experiment.

by miss_miku1


Seems Legit: Floral
Battledome pets: they're considered 'tanks'.

by shamaela


Paintbrush Peculiarities
Neopia is filled with pets who defy their color standards, and today I'm here to tell you about some of the coolest, most unique, or just plain oddest colors you can paint your pet.

by katiecoo802

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