Stand behind yer sheriff Circulation: 189,880,593 Issue: 561 | 7th day of Gathering, Y14
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We found the following 5 result(s) for the keyword hawkpaw098

Week - 531

Jhudora Day Quest
by hawkpaw098
Description: Erm... cute?

Week - 534

Weather Forecast
by hawkpaw098
Description: Yum! It's raining chilli!

Week - 536

Weather Forecast - Apples
by hawkpaw098
Description: An apple a day...

Week - 538

Weather Forecast - Evil Clown Repellent
by hawkpaw098
Description: *Tweet*

Week - 561

Baby Eyrie - Flytrap
by hawkpaw098
Description: An easy way to get food... if you like bugs.

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"He obviously didn't like that joke."

"Well, what did you expect? You told a joke about OLIVES."

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Hardly Related - Gross Food
Really? How "bad" can it get?

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Chronicles of a Caped Crusader: Confliction - Part One
Loraine laughed again. "There was a time when asking me to have mercy was a futile request. Back so many years ago, when I worked for Dr. Frank Sloth."

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