Caution: Quills may be sharp Circulation: 189,978,751 Issue: 562 | 14th day of Gathering, Y14
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We found the following 5 result(s) for the keyword sandrilene

Week - 469

Biography of a Villain: Balthazar
by sandrilene
Description: Faeries had not always been enemies of Balthazar, however; in fact, the Lupe once wanted nothing more than to be a Faerie.

Also by thropp

Week - 514

A Fabric In Time
by sandrilene
Description: Some things just don't make sense.

Week - 539

Biography of a Villain: Eliv Thade
by sandrilene
Description: "So spelling is not my strong suit, what does that matter?" Eliv responded haughtily.

Also by thropp

Week - 561

The Quest to Thorn Bridge Castle: Part One
by sandrilene
Description: The Mynci was exhausted after seven rounds, but he was determined to win the eighth and final match. His opponent was a burly green Skeith who was so large Abe could hardly find the steed upon which he rode...

Also by thropp

Week - 562

The Quest to Thorn Bridge Castle: Part Two
by sandrilene
Description: "But Your Highness, the location of Thorn Bridge Castle is a mystery!" Mazeu declared incredulously.

Also by thropp

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His Name is Kribal: Part One
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Unwelcome Visitors
The flakes began to fall quite rapidly when Mika found herself a mere five minutes away from her igloo. She shivered beneath her tight parka...

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