Chet Flash wuz here Circulation: 189,988,201 Issue: 564 | 28th day of Gathering, Y14
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We found the following 12 result(s) for the keyword warriorsrock965

Week - 390

What Kind of Neopian Are You?
by warriorsrock965
Description: Are you a nice Neopian or Evil?

Week - 395

Slorgs: The Perfect Petpet
by warriorsrock965
Description: Searching for the perfect petpet? Well, search no longer!

Week - 493

A Speech for Pin
by warriorsrock965
Description: I never thought the day would come when I would be ashamed of my sister, but it has.

Week - 509

by warriorsrock965
Description: "You lied to me! Both of you!" he said, finally turning to face his original owner.

Week - 516

The Search
by warriorsrock965
Description: That friend, that perfect Petpet, was nowhere, gone from Neopia. Invader wondered if there was even such a thing.

Week - 518

The Letter
by warriorsrock965
Description: Mud hadn't been the first thing I thought was covering her when she walked in.

Week - 519

by warriorsrock965
Description: This wasn’t a good life. It was a terrible existence. He was nothing.

Week - 524

by warriorsrock965
Description: No one sane would actually want to visit the Beast.

Week - 525

The Troubles of a Pea
by warriorsrock965
Description: I want to tell you a story about what my life has been like up until now... It wasn't as easy as it seems it would be!

Week - 543

A Haunted Woods Trip
by warriorsrock965
Description: "I don't want to go to the Haunted Woods!' I complained, crossing my little Baby Grundo arms.

Week - 561

A Pirate's Game
by warriorsrock965
Description: We would make land for the night, and take on Krawk Island tomorrow.

Week - 564

Based on Appearances
by warriorsrock965
Description: My owner didn't find me in the normal fashion. I wasn't found in some Petpet Shop.

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"No, sir."

"You know of their reputation, though?"

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