Sanity is forbidden Circulation: 189,988,201 Issue: 564 | 28th day of Gathering, Y14
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So Says the Slorg!

by supercheezee

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Orbia's Day
"Hi, Orbia, can I have a hug?" she asked cheerfully. Orbia shook her head. She had no time; she had to find her plushies.

by catglove


Worth Its Weight In Gold
You'll never know your true pets' worth until they are turned into gold.

by ghostid


Assignment 53 - A Guide to Getting the Avatar
The best way to win is to practice. I do not expect you to get the avatar the first time through (though that would be quite impressive if you did), and you shouldn't either.

by return_of_weatherbee


Cinnamon and Vinegar: Part One
Some of my dreams are the future, but all the rest are nonsense.

by ellbot1998

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